Every good academic essay needs a strong conclusion. Kathy Livingston suggests the following:
“The conclusion brings closure to the reader, summing up your points or providing a final perspective on your topic.
All the conclusion needs is three or four strong sentences which do not need to follow any set formula. Simply review the main points (being careful not to restate them exactly) or briefly describe your feelings about the topic. Even an anecdote can end your essay in a useful way.”
Once your conclusion is complete reread your essay carefully. Make sure that the point you make in each paragraph and the quotations you use support your thesis statement. Make sure that your conclusion ties in with your thesis statement. Then make sure you spell check thoroughly, even MS Word is not infallible and mistakes do slip through. To your tutor a poorly proof-read essay indicates a lack of commitment to English and it will show in the marks you receive in return.
After you have thoroughly proof-read your essay, submit it to Turn-It-In through the portal in the English 178 page on WebStudies. Making sure that it is saved under the correct name, as outlined by Turn-It-In.
Once your Turn-It-In originality report is ready, include the additional documents required by your tutor. These should include a cover page [At the beginning of your essay] and a bibliography, the departmental plagiarism declaration and your Turn-It-It-In originality receipt [At the end of your essay]. Each of these should be on a new page.
If you need help structuring your bibliography visit the OWL blog page on Bibliographies.
To download the Departmental plagiarism declaration click here. Remember it is essential that you sign the plagiarism declaration on the hard copy you hand in to your tutor.
Now with all the correct documentation attached to your essay, save your essay as: Initail.Surname_EssayTopic [eg: J.Doe_JaneEyre] and email it to your tutor. Your essay should be emailed to your tutor before the class in which it is expected to be handed in unless otherwise stipulated by your tutor. Late essays will be punished by 5% per day they are late, as is the departmental policy. 5% can also be deducted for every additional document not included with your essay, so neglecting to include a bibliography, plagiarism declaration and a Turn-It-In receipt will cost you 15%. These penalties are easily avoidable, so please make sure you do so.