Thursday, 23 June 2011


You will be required to submit a draft to your tutor before your final essay submission. This will enable you to move sections or paragraphs around to ensure that you end up with a coherent argument.  Drafting also enables you to check for (and correct!) stylistic errors, and rewrite sentences which are awkward or unclear.  This is also a time to check for obvious spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.  Usually, your draft essay counts 30% of your overall essay mark. Your tutor will help you with your structure, argument, spelling and grammar. You are also encouraged to arrange a meeting with your tutor to discuss your essay draft.

NB* Your tutor will not always be able to alert you to every error or mishap in your essay, so be sure to be apply your tutor’s advice and take responsibility for your own work.

NB* Once you have set a time and date for an essay draft meeting with your tutor, it is compulsory to attend and to be punctual. If you are pressed to postpone your meeting, you are required to do so at least 24 hours in advance.

NB* No handwritten drafts will be accepted. Always e-mail a copy of your essay to your tutor as an attachment. Always save a copy of your draft to your flashdisk, desktop, or on a friend’s computer. It is preferable to save your work in more than one place. The unthinkable can and does happen! Be prepared! 

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